Salt Lake City and Utah should learn from simple innovations in use around the world. | Urban Living

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Salt Lake City and Utah should learn from simple innovations in use around the world.

Urban Living

Posted By on August 7, 2024, 4:00 AM

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Everyone I know seems to be traveling abroad this summer, and not just to the Olympic Games.

We Americans think we are the GOATS (Greatest Of All Time) but from what my friends tell me, we have a lot to learn about how to do things better in this country. Here's some observations we might consider incorporating into our world:

—Glow-in-the-dark road lines, with phosphorescent paint, so you can see them better when driving at night.

—Gas pumps that hang from the station roof so you don't have to figure out which way to line up at the pump.

—Bus stops with benches and covers topped with solar panels so they are lit up at night and provide charging stations for people's phones/tablets. They could have heated benches for colder days and nights.

—Elevator buttons on the floor as well as on the wall that can be activated with your foot to open and close the doors.

—Crosswalks projected onto the street at night or when the roads are covered with rain or snow.

—Massage chairs replacing regular chairs in movie theaters.

—Stickers on avocados that have a color chart to tell you when it's ripe. Some stores in Mexico have bins for avocados that are ripe today and ones that will be ripe a few days later.

—Vending machines/ATMs that scan your face instead of using a credit card.

—Different types of vending machines that offer condoms/lube, pizza, fries, fresh bread, meats/groceries.

—All cell towers disguised as trees.

These are all practical ideas we could easily add on a local level, and many would be terrific additions because the world will be coming here in 10 years for the Winter Games!

Instead of countless signs, we could use projections on the ground, on streets and highways and on buildings to give out information/directions for customers and visitors. These projections could then be changed on a regular basis as the need arises.

We've added charging stations all over our new airport but there are few if any located downtown or across our city. There aren't many drinking fountains for humans and animals either, and if you're unsheltered you know there is only one public bathroom downtown on 500 West between 200 and 300 South.

Salt Lake City is once again going to remodel Pioneer Park, but their new design for a "ranger station/bathrooms" building has only a few toilets and with the current plans will likely encourage people to camp out in the actual toilet or even do nefarious things due to the floor-to-ceiling doors. You can't see what's going on or just how many people are in one stall.

So kudos to Millcreek and their new public plaza—Salt Lake could learn a lot from their design and ideas as they seek to reimagine Pioneer Park!

About The Author

Babs De Lay

Babs De Lay

A full-time broker/owner of Urban Utah Homes and Estates, Babs De Lay serves on the Salt Lake City Historic Landmark Commission. A writer and golfer, you'll find them working as a staff guardian at the Temple at Burning Man each year.

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