Here at Rant Control Laboratories, our experts—wearing white labcoats and little else—are working night and day to make the world a better place … at least the part of the world that comprises the comment board.
Readers may have noticed some big changes happening on the Website, with all its brand spanking new, whiz-bang gadgets and gizmos and sparkling-clean design. It’s a piece of art, really, and it brings a tear to Rant Control’s eye—particularly the feature that allows readers to create profiles so that they can more easily engage in the lively online discourse that goes on there.
It is hoped the new login feature will help reduce the kind of brain-dead, content-free sniping that is so often the curse of such sites. Still, if you’re a fan of the snipe, it’ll never disappear completely. Here are some comments posted since the site launch: “NotYou” wrote: “What a lie this whole thing is a lie I know this girl personally its all lies!!!!” Thanks for your contribution, NotYou. Next up, we had “WeeWilly” responding to a restaurant review: “[This restaurant] is a joke! $36 per person for, for the most part, unedible food! The desserts and the salads are good, but everything else is garbage!!! ... Stay away from this joint!” Hooray for WeeWilly! Best, though, was the one-word instruction from user “boxtop,” who looks like a decent, friendly and good-looking fellow from his profile photo, so I suspect it to be tongue-in-check. It read, simply, “Repent!” Good advice, that.