Bob Dylan’s 70th birthday was May 24, and City Weekly music blog contributor (and past cover-story subject) Lane Heaps featured two recent Dylan albums on that day’s “Missed Masterpieces” blog, calling Dylan the “Great American Hope.”
Commenter Justin disagreed. “I always got the sense that Dylan was one of those artists whom you’re just supposed to acknowledge as a genius and a brilliant musician, and never ask any questions. ... His work has been surpassed by other musicians with better voices, better skill with their instruments, and better songwriting. Of course, you can’t say that in certain company.”
“Go back to listening to your Van Halen records, and we’ll call you when we need you,” shot back commenter Marvelous Marvin Boone, apparently one of those who doesn’t tolerate anti-Dylan sentiments.
A blog by yours truly mostly panning the new Lady Gaga album [“Music Video Monday: A Lady Gaga Eulogy,” May 23,] also raised some hackles. “What a shit review. ... The album is dedicated to the monsters, not America,” wrote Justan Peterson on Facebook.
Rant Control’s takeaway of the week: If you’ve run out of things to say about politics and religion but still want to infuriate friends and strangers, try critiquing a
Now, about U2 ...