Feedback from February 22 and Beyond | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Feedback from February 22 and Beyond 

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Apples to Apples
Utah's public schools receive and spend over $11,000 per student. That is $3,000 more than the Utah Fits All Scholarship available to private school enrollees.

There is a lot of attention paid to the weighted pupil unit (WPU), which is $4,280, confusing many in the public. It makes $11,000 seem inflated. But the WPU is only one of 75 line items that the state uses to fund public education. The other line items in the state budget include money for buildings, technology, the arts, class size reduction, teacher salary supplements and many other items.

And that isn't even all of the funding that public schools receive per student. Local districts can create a variety of property taxes, implement school fees, issue bonds and receive donations or fund-raise for special projects (would anyone like to buy a candy bar?)

But wait, there's more! The federal government also provides funding for things like special education, school lunch and other programs.

So, when people say that Utah Fits All is overfunded compared to public schools, you can help them understand the true public school funding.
Libertas Institute

Flavor Town
Vote "No" on the flavored vaping ban! It is ridiculous that responsible adults can't use flavored vaping products and would have to resort to cigarettes because parents can't control their children and monitor them.

When are we going to stop punishing the masses because parents have little oversight over their kids? What is the purpose? Seriously, all of the other drugs and alcohol that are on the market aren't getting touched at all.

Why don't we ban alcohol? Cigarettes? Or candy that makes our kids unhealthy? There's far bigger concerns here than this. I implore the Utah Legislature to vote "No" on SB61. Many businesses are going to be destroyed by this bill.
Cottonwood Heights

"Party Hard," Feb. 21 Online News
I'm OK with banning "diversity" initiatives. If you guys, at this point, haven't realized this is abominable, you're part of the problem. Well done for the Republicans in my state!
Via Instagram

Each year, it seems the Utah Legislature outdoes itself trying to be even more greedy and/or hateful than the previous years. We are living in such upside-down times these days.
Via Instagram

Great article! Thank you for bringing awareness to the bills that are currently moving through Utah Legislature.
Via Instagram

Normalize alcohol laws and separate the church from the Legislature, and you'll have lots of outside investors flocking here.
Via Instagram

Nobody is dictating who can't use a restroom. They're saying men stay in men's bathrooms, women stay in women's bathrooms. It's really not that hard. Don't like it? Then stop being a creep and use the correct bathroom.
Via Instagram

What do you expect from a religislature that believes their prophet came from upstate New York in the 1800s after he couldn't make any money divining silver on people's farms. Not working with much brain power here to begin with.
Via Instagram

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