Special Interests Corrupt | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Special Interests Corrupt 

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In the film The Distinguished Gentleman, Eddie Murphy’s character cons his way into the U.S. Congress. The very first day he takes office, he immediately becomes fodder for lobbyists and special-interest groups who knock on his door and generously supply him with checks for his “re-election campaign”—all of which is perfectly legal, by the way.

In the end, the fledgling congressman’s better nature takes command and he does the ethical thing.

Today, there exists an unholy alliance between corporate and governmental powers that controls our airways, educates our children and micromanages every facet of our lives. As runaway development stagnates (not everyone believes this is a bad thing) one sometimes wonders if our elected officials, like Murphy’s character, are tempted by outside sources who believe they must maintain the current rate of development or go under.

Until it is 100 percent illegal for an elected official to accept one thin dime from any source, for any reason, the system we have in place will be a corrupt one.

Dennis Kostecki
Mammoth Lakes, Calif.

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