Feedback from January 25 and Beyond | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Feedback from January 25 and Beyond 

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"Feeling Flushed," Jan. 25 Online News
Biology says vaginas are girls, penises are boys. Why is it so hard to understand? They have to make laws about it?
Via Instagram

Very much looking forward to my junk being inspected before I drop a load in the Capitol water closet. "Greetings, Citizen! The governor just needs to see your balls real quick before you do your 'business' in the men's." These "junk checkers" are the real predators.
Via Instagram

Hey our air is pure cancer but let's write a bill about [bathrooms] . Thanks stupid Utah politicians.
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I'm really afraid of afraid people. They don't understand how horrible their decisions are.
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The bill isn't horrible if you take the time to read it. Or just get mad.
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"Public Access,"
Jan. 25 A&E
[Brewvies was] my favorite place to go when I was attending the University of Utah.
Via Instagram

Correction: In the feature "Public Access," the time of Brewvies' Film Buff Series should have been listed as 9 p.m. on Mondays. Also, Brewvies hosts this film series exclusively. Andy Murphy, a 19-year employee of Brewvies who was quoted in the story, is not the current general manager. We regret the errors.

"Clearing the Air,"
Jan. 18 Opinion
If you research it, Utah's air quality isn't great but it's far from the worst. Not saying we shouldn't do something, but posts like these create a bit of a false narrative.
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Air quality is better now than it was 40 years ago, or 10 years ago. They aren't doing a bad job. I would like to see better transportation but also, the Little Cottonwood Canyon gondola would help but people get mad at that too for other reasons.
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We're going to bring the Olympics here to see ... this? I'll be a bit embarrassed about our Legislature and air quality.
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SLC needs less humans and less development to achieve this. Humans cause pollution. EVs require energy from burning more coal. Not a solution.
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So stop driving gas-powered cars.
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Welcome to Zion. They wanted their state to blossom and grow ... the money come flowing in and they got all the problems that go with it.

The money is good, and that is all that matters to the "connected" rulers here. Is what it is.
Via Instagram

Repeal the EV charging tax!
Via Instagram

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