Shockingly, there was a local roller-derby bout I didn't make it to this past weekend: The O-Town Derby Dames' third game of the season, the Ladies of Capone vs. the Sucker Punch Sweethearts at the Eccles Conference Center in Ogden. Regardless, we have a report--take it away, Pepper Diamond:
"This was actually the best game we've had so far. It was back-and-forth the whole bout, very competetive, lots of stress and anger on the floor due to the score being so close--it was awesome. We got a broken tailbone, broken glasses and huge rink-rash bruises. The final score was Sucker Punch Sweethearts 132, Ladies of Capone 122."
The next O-Town Derby Dames bout is Saturday, June 20 at Ogden's Eccles Conference Center, an interstate game against Pueblo, Colorado's Devil Dollz; tickets and info at
A couple of action shots from O-Town's Saturday, May 16 bout: