Alternate Realities Roundup 5/7 | Buzz Blog

Monday, May 6, 2013

Alternate Realities Roundup 5/7

Posted By on May 6, 2013, 7:01 PM

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While air delays avoided the sequestration squeeze, the Violence Against Women Act did not and will likely see a loss of $20 million in funds designed to fight domestic violence and sexual assault.---

Top of the Alty World

“Congress Helps Air Travelers, Ignores Victims of Rape and Domestic Violence.”—Mother Jones

Syria is calling an alleged air strike from Israel an “act of war”—Democracy Now!

Rolling Stone says claims that social media sites can help radicalize normal citizens into terrorists are overblown.—Rolling Stone

Meanwhile a reporter with the Daily Beast spends a week lurking in the dark corners of the web where extremists seek to recruit and radicalize would-be jihadists.—The Daily Beast

Top of Alty Utah

Former kidnapping victim Elizabeth Smart speaks out against “abstinence only” teachings that make rape victims feel worthless.—Utah Political Capitol

Sequestration could significantly impact medical research at the University of Utah.—KUER

Dr. Saundra Buys of the Huntsman Cancer Institute talks about the latest in breast cancer research and treatment.—Salt Lake City Weekly


Alliance for a Better Utah’s Maryann Martindale challenges Utah’s “ag-gag” law, which an activist was recently charged for (though the prosecution quickly dropped the charges). The law criminalizes those who would record animal abuse happening on farms and factories.

“While I believe the focus on corporate profitability and industry deregulation is wrong, the tragedy is far more real to the animals who suffer an often times tortuous existence followed by a horrible death. There are humane ways to raise, and yes, to slaughter animals; unfortunately, corporate greed outweighs anything but the most efficient disposal of what is only seen as a source of profit.”—Alliance for a Better Utah

The Long View

Salt Lake City Weekly looks at the plight of dads in divorces who face losing relationships of trust with their children because their ex refuses to allow visitation.

“Typically, [Salt Lake City divorce attorney Chris Wharton] says, the noncustodial parent doesn’t force the issue “because he is concerned that if he continues to push the order in court, it is going to drive the children away even further. The more that he defers, the more time goes by since the children have seen him, and the more difficult it is to resume a more normal, meaningful parent-time visitation schedule.” Jones worries that his ex-wife is planning to drag out the custody conflict without him having a chance to see the children until they turn 18—at which point they may have become too estranged from him to want him in their lives at all.”—Salt Lake City Weekly

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