Saturday, you can check out a fundraiser concert by the Salt Lake City Prison Divestment Campaign and rock out against the spread of the for-profit prison business and its too-close-for-comfort ties to the Government.---
The local group is joining a nationwide campaign designed to get governments and private business to pull their investments out of the Corrections Corporation of America, a juggernaught corporation in the prison industrial complex that has made major profits off of immigrant detention centers, the kind that often split families apart according to reports by The New York Times, which has also reported that such private prisons don’t actually provide taxpayers much in savings compared to traditional prisons.
If you want to learn more, get involved, rock out and/or all of the above, check out the concert this weekend. A $5 to $15 donation is encouraged and you should bring extra money for food and adult beverages. The event will feature a raffle, a vegan bake sale and the musical stylings of reggae-rockers Know Your Roots and rock band The Socialists.
Check it out Saturday, Jan. 14, from 8 p.m. to midnight at the Centro Civico Mexicano 155 S. 600 West.