If you were able to lobby a lawmaker, what “sin” would you tell him or her to tax?
Nick Clark: Obesity and Diet Coke.
Derek Jones: Is overpopulation a sin? If not, it should be. Utah is notorious for this, and it has to stop. It’s irresponsible in the current world climate of global warming and starvation, and most Utahns who are being responsible then have to foot the support bill.
Jesse Fruhwirth: Our taxes and subsidies need to be rearranged to promote healthy eating and make concoctions like high-fructose corn syrup just a scary memory.
Lindsay Fenton: Medical marijuana— mainly because then I could start booking ads for dispensaries.
Paula Saltas: Socks with sandals. It’s a crime against nature, fashion and, frankly, America.
Julie Erickson: Close-mindedness. If you’re going to run this state, let us all reap the benefits of the 10 percent that’s going to get you into heaven.
Christopher Westergard: Is beauty a sin? If so, I am a sinner. Tax me, Mr. Legislator.
Rachel Scott: The sin of 501(c)(3): taxexemption status for organized religions. Jesse James Burnitt: People who drive SUVs and big f**k-off trucks should be charged an equally large and ridiculous irresponsibility tax.
Sheena Winget: They don’t already? Stop giving them ideas!