The backers of a Utah campaign to save The Salt Lake Tribune from being completely taken over and then killed—by the Deseret News (meaning the Mormon church) and the Trib’s completely corrupt and complicit, parasite billionaire hedge fund owner are now publicly wishing that the “good Mormon” billionaire Jon Huntsman Sr. will buy the Trib and thereby save it.
Really? Another filthy-rich parasite who has vastly supported and helped—both financially and through his many rich-people connections—his “good Mormon” friend Glenn Beck’s very public career as a charlatan religious huckster?
Selling the Trib to this or any other filthy-rich Mormon is the same as giving it to the Mormon church to take over and destroy. Actually, selling the Trib to any of the filthy-rich is the same as giving it to the Mormon church to take over and destroy, since the top Mormon church leaders who control that church’s dogma and actions are fully in bed with all the ever-greedier, thieving, amoral filthy-rich.
Stuart McDonald
Salt Lake City