D.P. Sorensen may need a little help in recognizing Neanderthal traits [“Proud Neanderthals,” Deep End, May 13, City Weekly]. First, they don’t have anything against Cro-Magnons of whatever shade, as long as they don’t try to take the meat out of the menu in the name of “social responsibility” or some other garbage. So, the Obamas can eat all the french fries they want.
There is a claim that there are no Neanderthal genes in Africa, but I wouldn’t accept that as gospel since some of those tribal members don’t have long arms and legs.
Being conservative doesn’t mean that one is a Neanderthal. Sarah Palin was a terror on the basketball court, and that is a Cro-Magnon sport favoring long limbs and running ability. Ann Coulter is Cro-Magnon to the extreme; check out those fantastic legs. Pity our current solicitor general and Supreme Court justice nominee, Elena Kagan, when she tries to buy clothes that fit. If anybody has a Neanderthal build, it would be Ms. Kagan—and those tailors just don’t cut for them, or us.
Jerome Borden