After reading John Saltas’ piece about bicyclists being the new elitists [“Future Dead People,” Private Eye, Jan. 28, City Weekly], something hit me: Serial texters and people talking on their cell phones are the new elitists.
Bicyclists are rude by nature. I should know — I encounter them all the time while riding my Vespa scooter in downtown Salt Lake City. They greedily hog the road, they don’t signal, and they act like the world revolves around them. The road is the vehi- cle’s domain, not the other way around.
Be that as it may, I find it extremely annoying to see people abuse the technology as if their lives depended on it. All too often, I see people doing it at bars, restaurants and nightclubs, etc. If you want to get the score to the Jazz game, that’s fine with me.
Yet I see jerk asses — yes, jerk asses — texting and driving all the time. What’s so important that someone has the audacity to risk their own safety, and the safety of others, by texting behind the wheel? It’s a car, folks, not a friggin’ phone booth. Hang up and drive, you idiots.
What annoys me even more is that some people only seem to care about texting you — sending a text — instead of calling you on the phone. If I wanted somebody to phone me, I want them to phone me, don’t send me a text.
Back in the day when I used to text, I found it to be somewhat of a convenience, where I would occasionally send a text here and there. But the more I texted, it became more of a headache and an inconvenience having to respond to every text I got.
It got to the point where I was texting all day long, from sunup to sundown, and I just wasn’t getting anything accomplished. So, one day, I did the sensible thing and, sure enough, I got rid of the darn texting plan from my cell phone, for a monthly savings of $10.00.
While we’re on the subject, a buddy of mine once got fired from his job for texting, and I can see why. The jerk ass deserved it. Fact is, some employers don’t like having their employees text on the job.
Serial texters are the new elitists, right?
There’s a time and a place for texting, but some people think the rules don’t apply to them.
Jordan Taggart
Salt Lake City