Whatever its flaws,
Storks certainly demonstrates how much more satisfying an animated film can be when it sets out to be a comedy, rather than that weird mutt genre of “family-friendly CGI movie.” It posits a world where storks have given up their traditional role as baby-deliverers, until a stork named Junior (Andy Samberg) and orphaned human Tulip (Katie Crown) reluctantly team up on a mission to fulfill the request of lonely only child Nate (Anton Starkman). The subplot involving Nate’s workaholic parents (Ty Burrell and Jennifer Aniston) has a perfunctory Very Important Lesson feel, and as well-intentioned as the messages about expanded definitions of “family” may be, they often feel tacked-on. But the script by Nicholas Stoller is often flat-out hilarious, with great concepts like a wolfpack (led by Alpha and Beta wolves Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele) taking unique shapes, or a big action set-piece that has to keep quiet to avoid waking the baby. It’s okay if the makers of an animated film decide it has nothing to teach us except how inventive visuals mixed with well-crafted jokes can entertain viewers of all ages.
Scott Renshaw