People might say it all the time but rarely is it truly the case. This time, the cliché applies: If you’ve never seen Stomp before, do yourself a favor and go.
The percussion-based show has been around for nearly 20 years, touring the globe and performing in more than 35 countries. The thing that makes the program so universal is that the eight-member cast expertly moves through choreography with little verbal communication, beside the occasional grunt, umph or yelp. The sound is provided by the mic’ed floors picking up and amplifying every little brush stroke, toe tap or finger triplet deftly splayed out on the side of a bucket—not to mention the weighty steel-toed workman’s boots providing a constant solid back beat.
Aside from the occasional rare alteration to the show—including rotating water numbers—STOMP has changed little from its original conception, because it really is that good. See for yourself this week.
Stomp @ Covey Center for the Arts, 425 W. Center S., Provo, 801-852-7007, Jan.13-15, 7:30 pm.