Steve Soelberg | Wiseguys Ogden | Comedy & Improv | Salt Lake City Weekly


This is a past event.

Steve Soelberg

When: Nov. 29, 8 p.m. 2014
Phone: 801-622-5588
Price: $10
Steve Soelberg is a wicked funny nice guy. Edgy like a butter knife, Steve's smart, relatable take is in high demand with a wide variety of audiences returning again and again. He's become the entertainer of choice for many, bringing laughs to over 100,000 people at 23 events this year that were seen on many local TV stations and once on the Today show. With one common audience complaint heard over and over- "My face and sides hurt from laughing!", Steve's convinced laughing is that 'one weird trick' for weight loss the internet is always talking about. Guaranteed to burn some calories, you'll be talking about this unique act for a long time.




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