Steve Golieb, Orem’s 20-year-old mayoral candidate | 5 Spot | Salt Lake City Weekly

Steve Golieb, Orem’s 20-year-old mayoral candidate 

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Orem resident Steve Golieb, seeing the need for some change in his city, is seen filing to run for mayor this coming fall. If elected, Golieb will be Orem’s first 20-year-old mayor. For more information, visit

What prompts you to run for mayor of Orem?
I feel a lot needs to be changed in the city, especially on environmental issues, education and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. I also feel that the current mayor, Jerry Washburn, hasn’t involved the citizens in most of these decision-making processes. Very few have even heard of him.

What qualifies you to run?
I’ve worked with the mayor of Salt Lake City, the division of human rights in Salt Lake City, Utah Clean Cities, and Salt Lake City Solutions. I’m actually starting another internship right now with the Wasatch Front Regional Council.

Are your politics conservative or liberal?
When you look at the issues, it’s really about what would benefit the city the most. For example, the air quality in Orem rates among the worst in the country, and that affects the health of everyone in the community. I don’t think that’s something that should be continued. That said, I would say my politics are right in the middle.

How do you hope to win votes?
I want to make sure businesses aren’t affected poorly by policies, and that citizens of Orem are not given more restrictions. Right now, it’s illegal to collect rainwater on your property. You can’t even build a tree house without consulting the city.

What do your parents think about you running?
They didn’t think I was serious until I cut my hair, which I grew out to donate to cancer patients. But since then, they’ve been very supportive.

Will you grow your hair out as mayor?
I think it’s important that I represent the city as well as I can. Growing my hair out might not reflect the way that most the citizens want to be represented.

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