Rein in the Runaway | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Rein in the Runaway 

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Our federal government is out of control. Most federal representatives completely ignore our Constitution that they took a solemn oath to uphold. The feds are responsible, but the real blame is that we the people have allowed it to happen. And it will continue to get worse unless we stop it.

We can start by contacting our senators and congressmen and demand that they make no changes to our health care. The current administration wants, over time, to take total control of our heath care.

Our dollar is no longer backed by gold or silver. It is fiat money made legal tender by the federal government. Furthermore, the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank, a private entity not responsible to anyone, determines how much money should be in circulation. We need to make a first true audit of this organization by urging Congress to pass House Resolution 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009.

If we can get enough people to contact Congress about these two items, we will be well on the way to reining in our runaway federal government.

Edward Milton Ventresca
Canyon Country, Calif.

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