Watching student theater is like attending minor-league baseball: You may not be seeing today’s greatest talents, but you could be seeing tomorrow’s greatest talents. And you’re also supporting the idea that such talent is honed by giving it professional coaching, and putting youngsters to the test in pressure-filled situations in front of an audience.
Plan-B Theatre Company’s education program, Theatre Arts Conservatory, is doing everything in its power to help young actors elevate their craft. Founded in 2003, the conservatory has been working hard at training local youth truly to act—as opposed to just reading the script— through providing quality instruction and ample opportunity to be a valued element of the theater community.
One way they do so is through the annual Student Slam, which consists of five 10-minute plays created, rehearsed and performed all within a 24-hour window. This year, the third annual, will see 25 student actors guided by the proficient hands of professional writers, directors, stage and costume designers. The group will also move from a black-box theater to a larger, fullproscenium venue. The result is not only better theater for everyone involved, but as a bonus, all the proceeds from the entertaining event go right back into the conservatory scholarship fund—ensuring the opportunity for more of our local youth to properly learn their craft.
Plan-B’s Theatre Arts Conservatory: Student Slam @ Rose Wagner Performing Ats Center, 138 W. 300 South, 801- 355-ARTS, Saturday, Jan. 9, 8 p.m.