I have a message for all the homeless people who like to hang out and loiter at the Salt Lake City Main Library downtown and at the Burger King across the street on the corner of 400 South and 200 East [“Vagabond Primer Needed,” Letters, Jan. 6, City Weekly]: Please respect one another.
I don’t like having a homeless person aggressively approach me on the sidewalk in front of the Burger King and make me feel uncomfortable. Also, I don’t like being cursed at, touched or grabbed. Leave me alone! It’s really that simple.
Why can’t Burger King hire a uniformed Salt Lake City Police officer to do security at that place, like they do at Carl’s Jr. a couple blocks west? It would be really helpful to create a safer environment for diners and restaurant staff alike, and to help cut back on the riffraff.
If you just want to loiter and cause problems at Burger King—doing nothing but sitting around all day long, starting fights, cursing at one another and creating a hostile, intimidating environment for us paying customers—then you can get the hell out.
Jordan Taggart
Salt Lake City