Kudos to Scott G. Morris for his enthusiasm to not stand with any political party and his challenge to us all to act [“Political Atheists, Arise!” Letters, May 16, City Weekly].
Of course, shouting your outrage may make you feel better about yourself, but if you would like to really change things, there may be a more effective strategy from within political parties—not shouting from the wilderness.
The current political power within Utah comes from those relatively few who make policy decisions over your life by going to party caucus meetings to actually choose our elected public servants.
If Morris is right about the need to act, and I think he is, harness your indignation and join a party—either party—and start cleaning out hard-core extremists at the nomination level.
Shouting is fun, but changing the candidates of the two parties that can get anything done will be even more fun. Right now, extremists think they are invincible. They shouldn’t. Feeling energetic? Go to party meetings and change things for real.
Cottonwood Heights