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LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Welcome to Part 2 of your outlook for the second half of 2008, Libra. We’re checking up on how you’re progressing with the challenges you were given near the end of last year. I trust that by now you have begun to make major renovations in the foundations of your world. I hope you have been carrying out brave changes that will anchor and stabilize your efforts for years to come. By January 1, 2009, I expect that you will be standing in your place of power and fighting for your dreams with more suppleness and stamina than you’ve ever summoned.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Welcome to Part 2 of your outlook for the second half of 2008. We’re checking up on how you’re progressing with the challenges you were given near the end of last year. I hope by now you’ve realized that you have unprecedented opportunities to forge combinations that have never before been possible. Opposites you’d always assumed would never attract should now be headed toward unification. Elements of your life you’ve long feared were irreconcilable have been showing signs of finding common ground, and may even be primed to achieve a delicious synergy. Keep refining your primal urge to merge, Scorpio!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Welcome to Part 2 of your outlook for the second half of 2008, Sagittarius. We’re checking up on how you’re progressing with the challenges you were given near the end of last year. I trust that by now you’re experiencing the joys of ever-growing self-discipline. I hope you’re positively gleeful with your enhanced capacity to master details and be creatively organized. This is the year, I predict, that you will learn to be a visionary planner without losing any of your inspiring spontaneity.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Welcome to Part 2 of your outlook for the second half of 2008, Capricorn. How have you been progressing with the challenges you were given near the end of last year? I trust that you’ve been hungry for new ideas, fresh approaches, and novel adventures. And I hope that this has resulted in you receiving more invitations, dares, and temptations than you’ve ever had. If what I just said describes your current state of affairs, I extend my hearty congratulations and remind you that you’re only half way through this awakening process. If what I said doesn’t fit your experience, get busy!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Welcome to Part 2 of your outlook for the second half of 2008, Aquarius. We’re checking up on how you’re progressing with the challenges you were given near the end of last year. I’m hoping that six months from now, you’ll look back and make the following declaration: “This is the hardest I’ve ever worked to be free. Liberation always came pretty easily to me before, but this year I had to find new ways — complicated, interesting, highly advanced ways — to carve out the space to live the life I want. I’m glad I was challenged so deeply. It has made me a genius of emancipation.”
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Welcome to Part 2 of your outlook for the second half of 2008, Pisces. I’m hoping that six months from now, you’ll look back and make the following declaration: “This year I was a real artist in the way I lived my life. Everything I did was like working on a beautiful masterpiece. I had a sixth sense about when to shut up and when to speak out, when to pull back and when to push on, when to recharge and when to ripen. Whenever my efforts were ready to climax, I brought them to a climax and moved on to the next adventure. So here’s the big question: What can I do to keep cultivating this adroit and graceful approach to being alive?”
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