Feedback from September 7 and Beyond | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Feedback from September 7 and Beyond 

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"Bounty Hunting," Aug. 31 Cover Story
Wow! Two cover stories on the anti-porn law? Someone is missing their content! I noted the writer of both stories is an industry shill from out-of-state.

This story has the aftertaste of Big Tobacco (or Big Pharma) and their damage-control campaigns. We should feel bad for poor, penniless PornHub the way we do for R.J. Reynolds. And we have a great euphemism for porn—the "adult entertainment" industry. One thinks of all those "gentlemen" going to gentlemen's clubs.

The article further stretches reality by suggesting all people who want to limit access to porn to persons under 18 are hapless right-wingers afraid of their shadows, or that other First Amendment rights and even entire churches could get banned.

Finally, your cover illustration blatantly and literally objectifies women. The leering red devil at the top looked pretty pleased. And I am still searching for an explanation of the angry old white guy in old-fashioned clothing firing on the voters and readers.
Salt Lake City

"City Council Bans Drive-thrus in Sugar House ..." Sept. 7 online
Thank God, this has been a long time coming. Haters are gonna hate, but no one will remember or care about them in the future when people are enjoying safer streets with fewer cars. Cheers.
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Drive-thrus are important, especially for sickly people. Place future drive-thru businesses away from main flow roads. Remove bike lanes from main flow roads and make alternative bike routes in safer locations. No on-street parking, we need more parking structures.

All of these things will decrease traffic on main roads and decrease non-vehicular traffic in high flow zones.
Just my opinion.
Via Instagram

My thoughts are, you better get out of that Chick-fil-A line LOL. I do think it's a decent idea—environmental wise—but I think it will affect businesses.
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Let's be real. It was only Chick-fil-A causing this problem. Why [does] everyone else gotta pay the price? Make them move or only ban [their] drive-thru.
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Let's just make it harder for disabled, sick and elderly.
That makes sense (sarcasm).
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One step closer to a pedestrian friendly, more connected community. Love.
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Why is it the government's business to get involved in this?
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Chick-fil-A needs to be taken out of Sugar House.
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Less idling, I'm down!
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Good. People idle here willy-nilly as is.
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I live in the area.
Thank you!.
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When you're sick and picking up medication, drive-thru seems like a good idea.
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This is absurd and pathetic.
Via Instagram

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