Feedback from November 7 and Beyond | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Feedback from November 7 and Beyond 

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Heaven Help Us
I suppose the presidential election results have brought rejoicing to Gov. Spencer Cox, along with all the other MAGA people. It's like all the hens rejoicing when the fox has gained entry into the henhouse. It's like a spouse celebrating when his or her battering spouse has been released from prison.

Does anyone really think grocery prices are going to tumble now? Economists predict that if Trump's tariffs are put into place, the price of most consumer goods will skyrocket.

The Trump voters are like a bunch of toddlers who throw fits when their demands are not met. As a retired public school teacher, I wonder: Has our educational system failed when stupidity and ignorance dominate among the voters?

I've been shocked as I go about my daily life and find so many people who had no clue about the election and who never vote. As per usual, the Bible Belt voters were easily influenced, as their educational levels are so low.

For example, Texas has the lowest number of high school graduates in the country. The country desperately needs better-educated teachers. A minimum of a master's degree should be required and all salaries and benefits should be equal to that of doctors and lawyers.

Along with this should be major class-size reductions. The most highly educated teacher is severely limited with 40-plus students, ensuring that at least one pupil—and likely more than one—severely acts out in class.

Sadly, most of this will never happen, as too many GOP governors and GOP politicians control school budgets. I'm an atheist—but may some deity save us all.

"Getting Around," Oct. 31 Cover Story
I am writing in regards to the awesome article titled "Getting Around." I enjoyed the article, but I do have some troubling questions.

Imagine that you have a bad cop that is doing things that will get him fired ... but if he resigns, he can go somewhere else. What kind of messed up policy is that? This is just moving a problem around and not really solving a problem.

I question the integrity of the people at [Peace Officer Standards and Training] if they were OK with shuffling a problem and not solving it. Bad cops tend to look out for and cover for other bad cops. This is troubling.

There was also a section of the article that said a case was set to go to trial until it was dismissed with no explanation.

This is very suspicious. You have a judge that has possibly been bribed or paid off and this didn't grab anyone's attention? Why hasn't anyone asked some very pointed questions?

I hope the Utah Investigative Journalism Project will continue to investigate this issue. I would like to thank the writer, Eric S. Peterson, for the great news story and City Weekly for all the great things you shine a light on.
Salt Lake City

Correction: The October 31, 2024, Cover Story feature, titled "Getting Around," mischaracterized that two separate women were involved in the allegations of misconduct against Moab Police Chief Lex Bell. A clarified version of this story can be found at

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