"Doubling Down"
Jan. 11 Small Lake City
Maybe mention that Trax shuts down before the bars close before suggesting a train to another state.
Via Facebook
I see three-fourths empty trains and buses every single day, burning gas/electricity mile after mile.
Via Facebook
"Steady as She Goes,"
Jan. 11 Cover Story
Though Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall continues to tout that the homeless situation is the responsibility of the state, the fact of the matter is that things got drastically worse under her watch. Our governmental system allows for local policy and governance.
Mendenhall is not the first mayor to have "partnerships" and won't be the last. It's not historic. I'm sorry, but she is not doing enough.
Between 2019 and 2023 alone, the unsheltered population more than doubled here in our home state. Going from 313 to 980—that's a 213% increase. For reference, Chicago's unsheltered population went from 1,260 to 990 between 2019 and 2023. That's a 21.5% decrease, meaning Chicago is doing better at sheltering the homeless than we are.
I don't need to state the obvious that the per-capita unsheltered population is significantly more here. Total homeless for Utah in 2023 was 3,687—most of which were in Salt Lake County—and for Chicago, total homeless ws 6,139.
Unfortunately, they don't break out Salt Lake City in the [point in time] count, but you get the picture. It seems, since the election, it's back to the status quo.
Via Instagram
Mayor Mendenhall should volunteer with Rocky Anderson at the First United Methodist Church for "overnight movie nights." You know, get her hands dirty with something other than potting soil for our unsheltered population who are just trying to stay alive this winter.
Via Instagram
"Unfinished Work"
Dec. 14 Private Eye
I thought comparing Mike Lee to a weasel was very unfair—to the weasel. Proof of that has just been made public. Even a weasel would be smart enough to avoid endorsing Trump.
Mike Lee, supposedly a lover of our Constitution, is blind to his idol's total disregard of that sacred document. Trump was violating the emoluments clause even before he took the oath of office. His lies and rude treatment of others continue to prove his unfitness for any office, much less the presidency.
When he elbowed the official from Montenegro, broke protocol with Queen Elizabeth and called our fallen soldiers "losers," I was appalled that such a person was representing me and my country to the world. The idea that Trump bears any resemblance to "The Book of Mormon" hero, Captain Moroni, is further proof of Lee's lack of discernment.
I appreciate your reminders of the shortcomings of our senior senator.
Salt Lake City
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