Cover Story, April 4, "Cough Cough"
Funding to care for existing trees and to sustainably plant new trees would help with air quality.
ReLeaf Utah
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If they want cleaner air, Utah citizens are going to have to switch to electric cars! They can do that by themselves, no matter the makeup of the Legislature.
Bill Boyd
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Hits & Misses, April 4, "Coal Breathes Easy"
Coal breathes easy? Now that's an oxymoron. Coal gives miners black lung. And many states have stopped coal mining because of the high risk of death from black lung and mine explosions and collapses.
Diane Armstrong
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News, April 4, "Utah's Native Bees in Peril"
Honeybees aren't native to the Americas. They came over with the European invasion, same way they eventually got to Utah.
Mike Moxcey
Via CW comments
Beer Nerd, April 4, "Level with Us"
Loved all the flavor
Melissa Talcot
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Bar Fly, April 4,
The Bayou
I appreciated author Rachelle Fernandez' article regarding The Bayou. However, I thought I'd point out that Utah measures their alcohol content by weight (ABW) versus alcohol by volume (ABV), which is the norm in most of the U.S. (In fact, this was pointed out in a City Weekly article, "The 3.2 Myth," Aug. 24, 2011.) Just thought I'd mention it, since the alcohol rules in Utah are confusing enough without publishing incorrect information.
John Campbell,
Online news post, April 5, "A 'Fervent' Reversal"
No praise for this. The policy harmed many families and individuals deeply. For an organization that claims to have communication directly with God, a "mistake" like this seems laughably ridiculous.
Jen Mattson Stewart
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Jen, that was my original thought but my daughter pointed out that maybe the membership of the church needed to see the hurt in order to empathize with the community. Idk. I'm just glad they did it.
Milla Jamison
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You're kidding right? That's the most asinine way of thinking, ever!
Scott Vigil
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I firmly agree with you, Jen. I respect that politicians are keeping a terrible balance, Rep. Kitchen and Mayor Biskupski particularly. For the rest of us, though, abuse is abuse, the cloak of faith changes nothing, and for society to praise abusers for letting up a little just reinforces to the abused that their abusers' narrative has legitimacy. Institutions of liberty and institutions of theocracy cannot coexist. Compassion doesn't require us to cuddle a freezing snake to warm it up, that would just be stupid.
Lara M. Gale
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Hello Mormons. This is God. I was wrong again.
Scott Frandsen
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"You suck, but please send us your kids" is not a "positive change." Painting it as such is a disservice to gay people. It's hard for people to criticize this church, which has a lot of influence. But people need to hear, "You are OK and you don't deserve discrimination."
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On such a busy weekend, I'm so glad God could find the time to let the LDS church know he's OK with same-sex relationships/marriages and children.
Ronnie Schluter
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The wonderful change would be if we stopped making other people's sex lives our business or a religious matter. It most definitely is not.
Mike Schmauch
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Fake progress.
Jo Disa Starks
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It's almost like a Jimmy Carter-inspired revelation
Sean Devlin
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Seems like their standard convenient reversals.
Alan Fullmer
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I'm so glad God told them to flip-flop again.
Jason Sanders
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