Chef Adam Kreisel has left the Acme Burger Company. Look in coming months for a new venture from this creative and talented (if restless) chef. Why, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him open a risottoria or something along those lines—perhaps in a space at the newly revamped Tony Caputo’s Market & Deli. Who knows, perhaps you’ll be able to get a light dinner of risotto or pasta there soon? Stay tuned.
If, like me, you appreciate restaurateurs who have the nads to try to curb customers’ cell-phone abuse, you’ll join me in giving kudos to Penny & Derek and the crew at Park City’s Blind Dog Grill. Diners at the Blind Dog are requested to “Please curb your cell phone or else we will release the hounds!” 1781 Sidewinder Drive, 435-655-0800,
Quote of the week: So far I’ve kept my diet secret, but now I might as well tell everyone what it is. Lots of grapefruit throughout the day and plenty of virile young men at night. —Angie Dickinson
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