Transfer of Public Lands
Utah wants to be a national model for a massive federal land grab. Find out how the Sagebrush Rebellion set the state on course to take over 640 million acres of federal lands that are crucial to both resource and recreational management. That means mining, oil and gas, timber, grazing, wind and solar, water resource protection, hunting and camping, to name a few. "It is an issue that impacts our national heritage," say members of the League of Women Voters, who conducted a comprehensive study on the issue. This Transfer of Public Lands event "explores how the U.S. public lands came to be and what they provide both economically and culturally, and the consequences to the future of these lands and public access to them, if the Transfer of Public Lands Movement succeeds." Virtual, Tuesday, Nov. 24, 6:30 p.m., free.
Forests in Climate Change
Yes, climate change is real and human caused. But how it affects us and what we can do to solve this existential problem is a growing debate. The heat, drought, fires and beetles all dramatically reshape our Western landscapes and forests. "What can science tell us about what the future looks like for Western U.S. forests, and what can we do about it?" ask organizers of What Is the Future of Western Forests in a Changing Climate? Virtual, Thursday, Nov. 19, noon-1 p.m., free.
Conversations About Hate Crimes
There's a whole lot of hate in the country, but how do we address it? In 2018, Utahns victimized by hate crimes increased from 35 to 52. But of the 41 cases noted, only 10 resulted in criminal charges. Join the Salt Lake City mayor's office and leaders from the United Jewish Federation, the Center for Global Policy, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the National Hispanic Media Coalition at Community Conversation Series: Hate Crime in the U.S. as the panel discusses this challenging issue. Virtual, Thursday, Nov. 19, 7-8 p.m., free.
Coded Bias
Ever wonder if someone's watching your every move or if simply someone is directing your life without your knowledge? Artificial intelligence and tech scientists will discuss how the whole thing can really go wrong. "The director of Coded Bias and scientists featured in the film discuss the biases underpinning facial recognition systems currently in use around the world, and their implications for the privacy and freedom of us all," say organizers of Coded Bias Discussion (Science on Screen virtual national event). Virtual, Thursday, Nov. 19, 5-6 p.m., free.