It's easy enough to gripe when you see abandoned buildings covered with graffiti and surrounded by trash. Take a walk on the wild side with the Salt Lake City planners at Second Life, New Uses in Old Buildings to see what can be done besides tearing them down and starting over. It's called "adaptive reuse," a way of looking at an old building and giving it new life. "Reuse helps retain the neighborhood's distinct features and tells the story of that place," the event's website says. An old warehouse might become a museum, or a former garage could be converted into a bar or restaurant. New buildings are rising all around us. The character and affordability of neighborhoods, however, is waning. See how this can change. Industry SLC, 537 W. 600 South, Monday, June 24, 6-7:30 p.m., free,
Maybe you've heard of the Burrito Project, the brainchild of Jorge Fierro, the iconic Rico Brand restaurateur who was once homeless himself. Fierro brought the Burrito Project, a nationwide effort, to here to "pay it forward." In Salt Lake City alone, some 16,000 people struggle to find a meal each night. Every week, Fierro's Burrito Project makes some 600-1,000 burritos for the homeless, but it takes volunteers. At Burrito Project SLC Open House, join Fierro "for an evening of burritos and love, sharing the story of who we are and what we do!" according to the event's Facebook page. Rico Brand, 545 W. 700 South, Tuesday, June 25, 7-8 p.m., free,
Do you think you know what the candidates for mayor think? There are eight of them, and they cut a wide swath. Maybe you think you've made up your mind, you know, on name recognition. We're here to encourage you to stretch your mind and go hear how they handle themselves at the SLC Mayor Primary Debate. There might be some subtle but important differences in their thinking on the inland port, on affordable housing or development. These are critical issues for the residents of Salt Lake City and a mayor can steer the policies in any direction. Main Library, 210 E. 400 South, Wednesday, June 26, 6:30-8 p.m., free,