Deep in the jungles of the Mexican Sierra Madre, members of an indigenous tribe called the Tarahumara engage in foot races through some of the most treacherous terrain on earth, for hundreds of miles at a time in high altitude. And they seem to have a blast doing it, without any aches, sprains or plantar fascitis.
Journalist Christopher McDougall, inspired by his own perpetual jogging-related injuries, set out to learn the secret of their durability. Was it diet? Footwear? Attitude? Or some mysterious—but perhaps duplicable—combination of all of the above?
The fascinating Born to Run chronicles what he discovered—about the Tarahumara, about himself, about evolutionary biology (including discoveries by a University of Utah professor and student) and the way we’ve distanced ourselves from our running nature. Along the way, he finds some wonderfully colorful characters in the world of competitive ultra-running, and touches on something profound as running begins to seem less solitary and more a part of a shared human experience. Share it with the author this week.
Christopher McDougall: Born to Run @ The King’s English Bookshop, 1511 S. 1500 East, 801-484-9100, Tuesday, May 12, 7 p.m.