Eight starring roles being offered to Sen. Chris Buttars after his breakthrough performance in 8: The Mormon Proposition at Sundance:
8. Lead in the Coen Brothers’ sequel No Country for Old Queens.
7. “Mr. Thistletwat” in the touring production of Avenue Q.
6. Cranky police chief in the Neil Patrick Harris/Eddie Murphy buddy-cop flick 40 Gay Hrs.
5. Moderator of Fox News’ GLBT-affairs program Shut Up, You Prancing Homos.
4. “Bi-Curious George” in adult-film feature The Take-it-in-the-Bucket List.
3. Host of Animal Planet’s pig-bachelor dating show Porky’s Choice.
2. Subject of Utah GOP promotional doc Seriously, We’ll Re-Elect Anybody.
1. New Jersey Shore cast member The Sticky Situation.