There may yet be an opportunity to discuss open-space preservation in the Northwest Quadrant. In October 2010, the council received a recommendation to start evaluating the master plan that proposes to develop the mosquito-infested area west of the airport and bordering Great Salt Lake wetlands. It’s now January, and nothing has happened. Nonetheless, one of the scenarios to be considered is “a complete land preservation (and acquisition) scenario (i.e., lands are rezoned and/or acquired to largely prohibit development).” There is still angst among wildlife and preservation groups that the council will approve a sprawling mini-city. But they now have another option to consider.
KUTV Channel 2 missed when it noted that Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, “reluctantly” agreed to speak about the Tucson shootings that wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and left six dead. Context, please. What was the reluctance all about? Was it that Chaffetz, a Republican, didn’t want to gush about Giffords, a Democrat? No. According to staff, Chaffetz had been giving an interview at his home on pension reform. When the interview wrapped up, news of the shooting was ramping up. Chaffetz said he thought he could make a statement, but then had to “compose” himself first. And he was still emotional during a later interview. However, he’d obviously composed himself a day later when he was talking about carrying his gun around his Utah district—no reluctance there.