ARTini, Recycle Your Electronics & Air Quality | Citizen Revolt | Salt Lake City Weekly

ARTini, Recycle Your Electronics & Air Quality 

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A New Year is upon us, so why not usher in this new era by supporting human equality with the High Road for Human Rights New Year’s celebration? Start fresh in 2010 by recycling your old electronics and commit yourself to a better (breathing) tomorrow by getting involved with an Air Quality Board meeting.

ARTini—A New Year’s Fundraising Extravaganza
Thursday, Dec. 31

Come out for a charity twofer— support the arts and raise money for human rights at the ARTini fund-raiser. The event benefits High Road for Human Rights, a local nonprofit started by former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson. The evening will feature a charity art auction featuring local Utah artists as well as signed posters by Peter Max and even a signed Salvador Dali piece. An evening of music, food, drink, merriment and valet parking will cost $50, but proceeds go to a good cause.

Sterling Lofts, 35 W. Broadway, Dec. 31, 7 p.m., 801-364-3560,, contact

Recycle Your Electronics
Saturday, Jan. 2

In our high-tech world, it’s a wonder how many different gizmos are available. It’s also a crying shame how dangerous and polluting all the old electronics can be when they end up in the landfill. With many electronics packed with lead, cadmium, beryllium and other toxic substances, e-waste is much harder to recycle. But it can be done! Just drop off your old electronics at this city collection center and let Salt Lake City take it from there.

Smith’s Grocery Store, 900 E. 800 South, Jan. 2, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.,

Air Quality Board
Wednesday, Jan. 6

It´s the smoggiest time of the year, which is all the more reason to follow the state’s actions on cleaning up the gunk we breathe day to day. Come to hear public comment on new rules to the state’s lead paint program, as well as reports on air toxins and other issues of the local air quality, or lack thereof.

Air Quality Board, 168 N. 1950 West, Room 101, Jan. 6, 1:30 p.m., 801-536-4022, contact

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