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Male circumcision rates in Utah decline as parents reconsider the procedure
By Allison Oligschlaeger
Spenst Hansen knows better than to take his body for granted. Born in the midst of his parents' divorce, the 24-year-old Salt Laker was, of course, a major sticking point in the split. More surprisingly, so was his circumcision status.
"The most intimate new venue along the Wasatch Front" hosts up to eight people
By Allison Oligschlaeger
The collaborative "scrap materials" project of a group of Salt Lake City artists, Tiny Club is billed as "the most intimate new venue along the Wasatch Front," and delivers tunes and a miniature light show to cozy crowds of up to eight people.
The long-anticipated Supreme Court decision on Friday, June 26, found millions of LGBT Americans finally exhaling the breath they've been holding for months—years, even—safe in the knowledge that our nation's wearying appeals process has finally exhausted itself.
After 30 years, KUER jazz host Steve "Daddy-O" Williams hangs up his headphones
By Allison Oligschlaeger
There's a light in the window of the Dolores Doré Eccles Broadcast Center. It's nearly midnight, and KUER 90.1's employees have been gone for hours. Custodial has come and gone; security is getting sleepy. Every door in the building is locked.