Movie websites, wire services, newspapers and national magazines are all keyed into the impending Sundance Film Festival (which opens Thursday), and are running their own pieces about the films to watch for. Some use the dreaded word "buzz"; others find writers merely indicating what they themselves are most excited to see; others seek some middle ground between the two.
But when you add it all up, where is the "buzz" loudest? After tabulating the results from nearly 20 Sundance previews, representing everything from Reuters to Moviefone to our own Salt Lake Tribune, here is an aggregation of the films most often mentioned:
1. Before Midnight (12 mentions)
2 . Don Jon's Addiction (11)
3. The Spectacular Now (10)
4. Ain't Them Bodies Saints (9)
The East (9)
Lovelace (9)
Upstream Color (9)
Stoker (9)
9 . Kill Your Darlings (8)
The Look of Love (8)
11. Mud (7)
Touchy Feely (7)
In about 24 hours, it'll be time for the audience members to decide where the buzz belongs.