Dear GYA, Oh, man, what year is it? Last thing I remember, I was on the couch and I was being forced to watch Downton Abbey with my girlfriend. I tried to stay awake, but at one point, I was overpowered by a wave of extreme British boredom. It's not that I don't like the show, it's just that ... well, it's not very good. Please tell me there's something going on today that's more interesting than Downton Abbey? - Steve Merigan, Provo---
Steve, By attempting to watch Downton Abbey, you've reached a new level of boredom never before tapped by the human male. Therefore, anything I suggest today will be more exciting. Here we go:
Every Monday at Brewvies is Film Buff Night, where classic films are shown on the big screen, for free! Since January is "Staff Pick Month," tonight's film is Knocked Up. The show starts at 10 p.m.
At Energy Solutions Arena, the Jazz will be taking on Dirk Nowitzki and the Mavericks. Tonight is also Mountain America Family Night, which means if you buy six or more upper-bowl tickets at $15 each, everyone gets a hot dog! Tip-off is at 7.
Gracie's will be hosting local band The Joshua Payne Orchestra. They've recently released the album Ra Ra Ra. Check out City Weekly Music Editor Austen Diamond's album write-up for more info. The show starts at 9 p.m.
For today's complete list of things to do, click here.