This week’s news looks at recalculated numbers from the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life to see how members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah agreed or disagreed with the faithful outside of Utah. Here is a breakdown on how the groups responded to questions of morality, politics and other questions not included in this week’s story.---
As City Weekly reported in this week’s article “The Myth of the Utah Mormon” there might not be a whole lot of truth to the folklore that LDS members are pretty different culturally and spiritually from their counterparts in the rest of the country. The story reported on LDS members in Utah only disagreeing with saints outside of Utah on three issues: immigration, partisanship and opinions of the Tea Party. But on other questions CW asked Pew Researchers to recalculate their numbers for Utahns don’t substantively differ with other members of the faith.
For example on the question of whether or not LDS respondents to the survey hold temple recommends, or the paperwork showing the members are in good standing with the Church and eligible to enter temple for certain rituals and ceremonies, 69 percent of LDS Utahns say they hold recommends compared to 63 percent of LDS members outside of Utah. See below for more responses broken down by residence in Utah compared to outside of Utah.
To view the Pew Center’s recent report “Mormons in America: Certain in their Beliefs, Uncertain of their Place in Society” click here. UtahMormons