Lounge Act Thursday: Tunes all over town; X-Dance opens | Buzz Blog

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lounge Act Thursday: Tunes all over town; X-Dance opens

Posted By on January 12, 2012, 11:00 AM

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There are several worthy music events going down around town Thursday night, a clear indication the new year is finally off and rolling in a good way.---

I'll be at Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit's show at The State Room. The former Drive-By Trucker (pictured) released one of my favorite albums of 2011, Here We Rest, and he's only gotten better as a songwriter over the course of his three full-lengths since leaving DBT. The show is reportedly sold out, so look online or lurk around the front of the club at show time -- you might get lucky and score a ticket to what is sure to be a hot gig. Hope & Tim open the show, starting at 8 p.m.

Almost right next door, at Bar Deluxe, it's the return of the Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash. The rootsy crew used to come through town a couple of times a year, or so it seemed, but it's been a spell since we last got a listen to their dark brew of country-rock. Check 'em out while you can.

The Masonic Temple is hosting a DVD-filming show by Late Night Alumni, a dance-pop supergroup of sorts that has never performed live. The show marks the beginning of the act as a live, potentially touring, entity, and will include Kaskade as part of its "band" for the night.

And beyond the music realm, it's opening night for the X-Dance Film Festival, bringing the freshest extreme-sports filmmaking together under one roof, namely that of The Depot. The Art of Flight is the opening film, and will be followed by an Opening Night Party starting at 10 p.m. 

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