Sand Snipes | Buzz Blog

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sand Snipes

Posted By on September 30, 2009, 4:02 PM

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Two minutes of fun on the beach in a throwback to what made '80s movies great (for a teenage boy).---

A new YouTube short movie features mediocre acting, bikini-clad (and then less clad) women, tanned and toned guys, and a somewhat funny punchline. It is by no means a cinema masterpiece, but clocking in at under 3 minutes, it's not a terrible waste of time, either.

The clip, called "Massage in a Bottle," is on the Hot & Crowded YouTube channel, which consists of above-referenced bikini girls showing videos of their California lifestyle. 'Nuff said.

At this point, the logical question is "Why do I care?" You mean, besides bikini girls and/or tanned and toned beach dudes? Well, the writer and director is Zack Van Eyck, a former Utahn who has escaped to the sunny shores of L.A. He was a reporter with me for years at the D-News, which is probably the last thing he would put on his resume. He also co-wrote (with Park City resident Stacy Dymalski, who also directed the movie) the 2005 movie Jupiter Landing, a quirky movie filmed entirely in an Avenues mansion. And finally, he established a minor celebrity in Salt Lake as "Joey Ramone" in a now-defunct Ramones tribute band. (On a side note, I once watched his band play in a bar as part of a crowd that included former Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr.).

So, there's a bio. Now, here's the clip:

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Josh Loftin

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