The "Great Tea-Bag" party is over the nutsacks at Fox News are now both gloating over their ratings for their coverage of the event, which they created and promoted for weeks. Now they are crying foul because the other networks had a field day making fun of the term, which anybody who is beyond the 7th grade knows has sexual connotations.
To read Fox's take on all this schoolyard yucking by every other network is almost as funny as the event itself. I saw a news person try to interview a woman about the event and said he was from
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. She all but ran over the guy screaming, "He's a Communist" as she ran off. This pretty much sums up the mentality, or lack of, of the people who went to many of these events. My favorite part were the morons who dressed up in costumes. The only thing better would to have seen Mark Shurtleff dressed up as Dolley Madison. Oh and by the way, the pins he was handing out to the throngs at the Federal Building were made in CHINA!