cocobean | Salt Lake City Weekly

Member since Nov 4, 2016


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Re: “Lost In the Hole

I happen to know Cameron Payne, and grew up near him. He lived a privileged life. And he was a good kind hearted guy. He loves family very much. And would do anything for people. He was in a very very bad motorcycle accident and nearly died! When he was released from the hospital months later, he was sent to a assisted living for awhile and I visited him and it nearly broke my heart to see him that way. He wasn't Cameron anymore . He could barley talk, his memory was lost. It was lieterly like he was a child again especially the way he thought and spoke. He didn't know half the people were that came to visit . But he remembered me I remember he wanted ice cream so bad. So we went and got some .
Camerons brain was injured so bad and there was nerve damage to his face . He can't function like a normal everyday person . He doesn't think the same. Because of what happened to his brain, he has outburst and becomes violent . It's almost like he doesn't have control over himself . So to say that all mentally ill inamtes deserve this kind of treatment is barbaric . Shame on people that think that way. Because you have NO idea who these people are and were before and Cameron will never be the same as he was before because of his accident. He has suffered greatly and does NOT deserve this kind of treatment . People that suffer brain injurys need the PROPER HELP! That's what is wrong with our justice system is you don't get it. You don't get the help that is needed . I'm not saying all of people in solitary confinement deserves to not be there but people that have mental illness don't deserve it They need help. Would you punish a Down syndrome individual if he commit these type of acts . My guess is probably not. It's heartbreaking that people just don't care.

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Posted by cocobean on 11/04/2016 at 8:49 AM

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